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Restrictions of Foreign-Owned Corporations in Mexico

According to foreign investment laws in Mexico, foreign investors may hold 100% of a Mexican corporation or partnership. The legal system and tax laws do not discriminate between foreigner business and Mexican National owned businesses. One thing that separates foreign-owned corporations and Mexican owned corporations are the activities they may carry out. Foreign investment is permitted in most sectors except for those activities listed below. Sectors reserved for the Mexican State Oil and other hydrocarbons exploration and extraction  Sale of electricity to the public Nuclear power  Radioactive minerals Telegraph and radiotelegraph services Postal services Printing money and coin minting Control, supervision, and...

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Residency in Mexico and Abuse of the FMM – Visitor Card

It is relatively common for foreigners to take advantage of the visitor card - FMM (Forma Migratoria Múltiple) as a way to live in Mexico. Many foreigners are entering as a tourist and staying the 180 days granted to visitors and then leaving the country and returning for another 180 days, rather than applying for a residency permit.  For a few years, there have been rumors that Instituto Nacional de Migración - INM will begin to crack down on this practice and regulate the use of an FMM as a way to live in Mexico. It started with some foreigners receiving...

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Rent to Own – A Transaction Agreement

If you are selling your property in Mexico, you may get an excellent offer from a buyer looking for a rent to own situation. The potential buyer may want to live on the property while making substantial payments.  How do you protect your investment and not waste time and money if the buyer defaults? You will need to take extra precautions to protect your interests. We recommend you hire a Mexican lawyer to draw up or at least review any legal agreement you make to ensure you and your investments are fully protected. What type of agreement will protect the potential buyer...

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Timeshare Services

[vc_row triangle_shape="no"][vc_column][mkd_call_to_action full_width="yes" content_in_grid="no" type="with-icon" icon_pack="simple_line_icons" simple_line_icons="icon-note" show_border="yes" show_button="no" icon_size="33" icon_color="#ffffff" background_color="#8b0000" box_padding="2%"] NOTICE – Individuals have been contacting Timeshare Owners claiming to be from Mexlaw. This is an attempted defraud. Mexlaw will never contact you unless you are already a client off the Firm. Also, we only use the domaine address Mexlaw in all Emails. Please report these attempted frauds to your local Police. [/mkd_call_to_action][vc_empty_space height="40px"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row triangle_shape="no"][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_column_text] We know how attractive a timeshare in Mexico can sound, owning a vacation spot at a beautiful Mexican beach resort is a dream come true. The salesperson makes timeshare ownership so enticing; it is...

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Relocating to Mexico – Tourist Destination or Residential Area?

When traveling in Mexico, most foreigners visit and fall all in love with the tourist side of town, but if you are relocating to Mexico would you choose to live in the tourist area or a residential area? As a new resident in Mexico you may want to live in a tourist town, get out an about, meet new people, enjoy the hustle-bustle of the tourist streets, but once you settle in you may yearn for a quieter place to call home. Everyone's ideal home is different; some prefer a secluded house in the jungle and some like the city life,...

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