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Advice From the Accountants at MexTax About Capital Gains

Real estate transactions in Mexico typically involve a profit for the seller, and on that profit, the seller is expected to pay capital gains tax. The tax is classified as ISR (Impuesto Sobre la Renta) and applies as an income tax. Whether you are a foreigner or Mexican national, you will be subject to this tax. However, an experienced Mexican accountant can assess your situation and find the best way to reduce or avoid the capital gains tax. Before you complete the sale of your property, you are advised to seek the advice of an accountant in Mexico. The assessment...

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Generate Income From Seller Financing

Most people would agree that selling your home is one of the most stressful events in one's life. It is time consuming, emotional, and a lot of work with repairs and touch-ups. Also, the endless housekeeping to make sure it is presentable for viewing at all times and leaving the property each time a realtor calls. It feels as though your life is literally on hold, just waiting for the big sale so you can walk away and begin a new chapter in your life. It is no wonder most of us just want it over and done with it....

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Real Estate Guide

[vc_row triangle_shape="no"][vc_column][mkd_separator type="with-icon" animate="yes" color="#c18f59" width="195px" top_margin="20" bottom_margin="30" custom_icon="6694"][vc_column_text] Complete Guide to Buying Property in Mexico [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Foreigners should exercise a higher level of caution and discernment when purchasing property in Mexico. Than being said, it should not discourage you from purchasing property in Mexico. It will probably be the best investment that you will make. Nevertheless, as the saying goes, “buyers beware”.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height="12px"][vc_column_text]It is not enough to ask questions and to read articles on the Internet. Buyers should be aware of what the proper, legal and customary process is in order to purchase property, and any deviation from this process should be...

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Avoiding Online Real Estate Scams in Mexico

Researching properties online is a great way to get an overall view of available properties in Mexico. It is exciting to search and dream about purchasing one of the amazing vacation homes featured on the net. The internet is also a great tool to search for the most popular areas, or if you prefer the most secluded properties and obtain the general price range of your new home. However, there are many online real estate scams, here are a few pointers from our Mexican Real Estate Legal Team on how to avoid them. Do not engage with an online “seller”...

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Love, Marriage and Real Estate in Mexico

February 14th marks the annual day of love and romance, and in Playa del Carmen it is also a day of Bodas Colectivas (collective wedding), a mass wedding sponsored by the Solidaridad municipality on Valentine's Day. It will be a beautiful day for many happy couples, and although it is an exciting event in one's life, we have to play devil's advocate and suggest some legal considerations for married couples in Mexico. Permission to Marry a Mexican National Foreigners marrying Mexican nationals require the approval of the Mexican Migration office. The document is called "Permiso para contraer matrimonio con un nacional," and...

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