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2021 Financial Requirements for Temporary and Permanent Residency in Mexico

Each year, Mexico increases the financial requirements to obtain either temporary or permanent residency. We have outlined the most commonly asked about residency types and this year’s financial requirements. How is the requirement calculated? There are two different ways that Mexican Consulates and Mexican Immigration offices may determine the financial requirements for residency. Note: Each consulate and office are different. Before you schedule your appointment with your local Mexican Consulate, you should always check the requirements on their website. ✓ Based on the Mexican daily minimum wage ($141.70MXN). OR ✓ Based on the daily UMA (Unidad de Medida y Actualización) rate ($89.62MXN). UMA...

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What is the importance of registering a trademark?

For the consumer, the brand is what distinguishes one product from another, regardless if it is closely related or even if the products offered are of the same type.  This creates brand loyalty which is a valuable asset reflected in the financial statements of a business under the category “goodwill” or “intangibles”. That brand is what will ultimately generate in the public that awareness of quality of the product or service that is being offered.  It will make a different impression from the rest of the products of the competition. Therefore, the registration of the trademark and its corresponding logo is an...

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