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What is the importance of registering a trademark?

For the consumer, the brand is what distinguishes one product from another, regardless if it is closely related or even if the products offered are of the same type.  This creates brand loyalty which is a valuable asset reflected in the financial statements of a business under the category “goodwill” or “intangibles”. That brand is what will ultimately generate in the public that awareness of quality of the product or service that is being offered.  It will make a different impression from the rest of the products of the competition. Therefore, the registration of the trademark and its corresponding logo is an...

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Buying Mexican Real Estate – Some Common Real Estate Terms

Closing Date The closing date or completion date is the day the property is transfer to the buyer, and the title deed is signed. Condominium Regime This document granted by a Notario Publico and recorded in the Public Property Registry. It contains all the rules and regulations for the development as well as legal matters regarding the complex. The buyers will not receive the title until the regime is registered. Notario Publico A Notario Publico is a licensed attorney, certified, and appointed by the government. The notario acts as an official representative of all parties of the transaction. They do not represent only you; you...

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Restrictions of Foreign-Owned Corporations in Mexico

According to foreign investment laws in Mexico, foreign investors may hold 100% of a Mexican corporation or partnership. The legal system and tax laws do not discriminate between foreigner business and Mexican National owned businesses. One thing that separates foreign-owned corporations and Mexican owned corporations are the activities they may carry out. Foreign investment is permitted in most sectors except for those activities listed below. Sectors reserved for the Mexican State Oil and other hydrocarbons exploration and extraction  Sale of electricity to the public Nuclear power  Radioactive minerals Telegraph and radiotelegraph services Postal services Printing money and coin minting Control, supervision, and...

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How Do Foreigners Lose Their Investment in Mexico?

Foreigners investing in Mexican property need to follow the legal process in order to protect their investment.  When you hear reports of a foreigner losing their life savings and getting caught up in a legal battle over the property in Mexico, understand that this situation is entirely avoidable.  If you buy real estate through the correct channels and use a Mexican lawyer during your purchase, buying property in Mexico, it is a safe and secure investment.  These are a few grave mistakes foreigners make when it comes to buying real estate;  They bought the property from someone who is not the legal owner....

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Power of Attorney in Mexico

Power of Attorney- POA in Mexico, like other countries around the world, can be established by granting one or several people sufficient authorization to represent you in one or more acts to be held in Mexico. We recommend that a POA be tailored to whatever your intentions are in Mexico; these can be divided into: Powers of Ownership - Performing acts related to Real Estate. Banking Powers - Performing all kinds of acts related to opening and managing bank accounts. Administration Power - This power will be used for all types of procedures related to any public administration body and even...

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