Traffic Regulations, Fines, and Bribes in Quintana Roo
Before deciding to drive a vehicle abroad, One must be aware that as in other countries, Mexico has its own traffic laws which govern all drivers and their vehicles. These regulations must be respected as it aims to maintain and protect the public.
When the driver has violated the law, the police officer is obliged to stop the vehicle, advise the driver which traffic regulation has been violated, request the license and vehicle documents to verify that everything is in order and determine if the violation deserves a penalty. If the violation is not serious, the safety of pedestrians, passengers, and the general public is not affected, and the driver is a tourist the transit agent must issue a courtesy violation. This warning may only be issued to tourists who violate the transit regulations and will not generate a monetary penalty. Its objective is to indicate which violation was committed and to enforce the rules of transportation. The courtesy ticket may only be issued on two occasions to the same vehicle and/or driver.
A traffic officer can not stop you if you comply with all traffic rules, and if he does, the officer must state which law has been violated, at no time should you pay this penalty or any bribe on the spot, doing so is illegal. Paying a bribe makes you as guilty as he is because you will be contributing to corruption, if you have not violated any rules, you should politely stand your position, ask for your infraction ticket and request the officer take you to the Transit Office to present your complaint.
Also, advise the officer that you are aware of this regulation, and if you had violated the law, as a tourist, you have the right to receive a courtesy violation, which is defined in Article 241 of the Transit Regulation of the State of Quintana Roo.
Depending on the type of violation, a speeding ticket will be based on fifteen to twenty-five days of the minimum wage, and range between 1,200. to 2,010. pesos. If the driver’s actions resulted in an accident, the fine could double.
It is strictly forbidden for the transportation officers to threaten you into paying a bribe, nor are they to search your personal belongings, that being said, you should cooperate with the officers at the checkpoints entering and exiting each city as they conduct routine inspections.
If you are involved in a car accident or have gravely violated the transit regulations, you should call a MexLaw’s attorneys for legal advice. You have the right to a translator to relay your legal situation and to a telephone call to communicate with a lawyer or consulate to safeguard your legal security
Transit agents shall prevent the circulation and impound a vehicle in the following cases:
- There are no license plates, they are overdue or do not correspond to the vehicle.
- The plates do not coincide in number and letters with the decal or the circulation card.
- No identification stickers displayed.
- The driver is intoxicated or under the influence of narcotics.
- The vehicle is such poor condition that its circulation constitutes a danger to its occupants or other people.
- The vehicle is producing a high emission of pollutants.
- Carrying out public passenger or cargo service, without the corresponding authorization from the State Communications and Transportation Directorate.
- The vehicle interrupts traffic, or it parked in front of a vehicle exit.
- When authorized by the competent Judicial or Administrative Authority, the Communications and Transportation Directorate or the Transit Authority. The Agents must take the necessary measures to prevent damage to the vehicles. Return of the vehicle will require verification of property or legal possession and the proof of payment of the fines and rights by presenting the invoice and bill to the Federal Vehicle Registry.
- In the event the vehicle is involved in a criminal act, an accident or theft, the officer will proceed to hold those responsible and make them immediately available to the corresponding authorities. The vehicle may be held until fault is determined.
If your rights have been violated or you need legal advice, please email