In this article you would find everything you need to get enrolled by SEDUVI and comply with the new law of real estate services.
The purpose of this new law is to register every agency, realtors and consultants involved in the real estate industry in the area. In order to operate in the business, everyone must be accredited and enrolled. Those who fail to do so will be subject to severe fines and penalties.
The SEDUVI is not requiring any courses to be taken in the present year. The only requirement by SEDUVI so far is that the enrolled agent or agency presents to their offices in Cancun or Chetumal the proper documents that prove their experience in the real estate industry. “Download the documents required by SEDUVI here”.
The news of these new laws of enrollment had been well taken by both realtor and investors, but there are still many questions on how to get certified, this is why MEXLAW offers its services to agencies and realtors who are interested in enrolling with SEDUVI.
There will be a fine of 500 to 1000 days of the current minimum wage to those who:
- Operate as real estate agents without previous enrollment and certification by SEDUVI.
- Provide any services related to the real estate industry without enrollment/certificate.
- Do not allow SEDUVI to conduct visits in order to verify law enforcement.
- Provide deceiving information.
- Withhold information or funds inappropriately from their clients.
For further information on the matter please contact Adriana Vela immigration@mexlaw.com.mx (+5211984) 803 1240