MexLaw Seller Assistance Program

Are you selling your property in Mexico? MexLaw can assist you with obtaining the documents you need to sell your property. Dealing with official agencies in Mexico can be frustrating at times and much worse if you are not fluent in Spanish. We do the work for you, and you avoid dealing with the red tape of various service providers and government offices.
Our expert accountants can help you reduce or avoid capital gains tax.
MexLaw offers three levels of assistance from obtaining the following documents to providing tax and legal advice:
Basic Assistance Package
- Cadastral certificate (official survey of the property)
- Proof of non-debt from the Municipal Public Works.
- Certificate of non-debt predial (property tax)
- Certificate of non-debt of condominium fees
Legal and tax advice are NOT included
Intermediate Assistance Package
- Cadastral certificate (official survey of the property)
- Proof of non-debt from the Municipal Public Works.
- Certificate of non-debt predial (property tax)
- Certificate of non-debt of condominium fees
- Calculation of capital gain
- 1 hour of tax advice with a MexTax accountant
Advanced Assistance Package
- Cadastral certificate (official survey of the property)
- Proof of non-debt from the Municipal Public Works.
- Certificate of non-debt predial (property tax)
- Certificate of non-debt of condominium fees
- Certificate of no liens
- Calculation of capital gain
- 1 hour of tax advice with a MexTax accountant
- 5 hours of legal advice or legal representation.
- Contact us to prepare for a quick and seamless sale of your Mexican property.
Ask us about the benefits of choosing MEXLAW Escrow Services. We are licensed to provide escrow services in Mexico. Our escrow accounts are held in a Canadian bank account and carry liability insurance of $1,000,000 USD per account.