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Can I Cancel My TimeShare Contract in Mexico?

[vc_row triangle_shape="no"][vc_column][vc_column_text]It is easy to be caught up in a sales pitch while you are dreaming of owning a place in Mexico. The sun, beach and of course all the free incentives the salesperson is offering is very alluring. They make it sound so simple to own a little piece of Mexico. There are many legitimate vacation or timeshare companies, but you need to be aware of the less scrupulous timeshare companies in Mexico. Take the time to investigate these promises, the cost of this investment and the how to get out of a timeshare contract. Protect Your Investment Take time to...

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WEBINAR – Discover how easy and safe it is to buy real estate in Mexico, using the proper methods!

  Charles Tibshirani, MEXLAW Founder, CEO and Thomas Lloyd, TOP MX REAL ESTATE Founder and President, shared a free webinar to help foreigners discover how easy and safe it is to buy Real Estate in Mexico. Click on the link to acces the webinar: http://www.topmexicorealestate.com/events/webinar/may-16.php   ...

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Protect Yourself From Mortgage or Construction Liens During Your Mexican Real Estate Purchase

Imagine having  your dream home in Mexico, you are relaxing on your deck in the warm sun and looking out onto the beautiful Caribbean ocean.  Life is amazing. It took all your savings but it is worth it. You are finally retired and you have arrived at your destiny. But, did you use a real estate attorney during your real estate purchase? If not, you have put yourself at risk of losing your brand new home. It is very important for foreign buyers to use a professional attorney in Mexico when purchasing property. They will do a comprehensive title search before you...

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Canadians Retiring in Mexico 6 Months at a Time

So you want to live in Mexico, but you are not quite willing to give up the comforts of home? Although most Mexican real estate developments are much more luxurious than what we are familiar with back home, such as infinity pools and ocean views, still some Canadians living in Mexico are only spending half their time in Mexico and half in their home country. There are some benefits to this lifestyle, including maintaining your home country’s residency and health care. You may enjoy your summers in your home country and then escape the cold, rainy winters by heading to Mexico,...

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Canadians Buying Real Estate In Mexico Urged To Use A Trusted Mexican Law Firm

Canadians buying property in Mexico are advised to hire a law firm in Mexico to represent them and protect their investment. There are many attorneys in Mexico, but MexLaw is the only Mexican based real estate law firm that is owned and operated by licensed Canadian and American Lawyers that have partnered with Mexican lawyers. You will have the best of both worlds on your team. Being a law firm in Mexico you will benefit from their business contacts such as health and home insurance providers, accountants, real estate agents and developers, almost everything from decorators to landscapers. Some foreigners wish to...

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