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Who Will Inherit Your Property in Mexico?

Many foreigners invest in real estate in Mexico to benefit from the high returns on investment that this market offers, to enjoy their leisure time here by owning vacation property, to retire, or a combination of all of the above. Ironically, few foreigners give any thought to what will occur to their property in the event of death. The purpose of this article is to provide some insights on how Mexican Law will deal with property owned by foreigners upon death and, hopefully, will provide foreigners with some suggestions on how to deal with this situation....

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Are you planning selling your Mexican property? Don’t forget to consider your capital gains tax

Last Update: May 1, 2024

Whether you are a Mexican national, a Mexican resident or a foreigner, if you are selling your property in Mexico, you may be liable to pay a capital gains tax.There are ways to reduce or claim exemption from capital gains. Before you complete the sale of your property, you should seek the advice of an accountant in Mexico. The assessment of capital gains tax in Mexico can be complicated and changes over the years.

Getting a CURP Number for Foreigners with Residency in Mexico

Last Update: March 13, 2024 The CURP, short for "Clave Única de Registro de Población," which translates to Unique Population Registry Code in English, it is an 18 digit alphanumeric code, and is akin to Mexico’s version of a Social Security or Social Insurance number. It serves as a unique identification number assigned to each individual living in Mexico and remains unchanged throughout one's lifetime. If you are residing in Mexico and possess a  Temporary Resident Card or Permanent Resident Card, it's crucial to understand that the CURP is now automatically generated and printed on your residency card as part of the...

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The Condominium Regime in Mexico

What is the condominium regime and why is it important? The condominium regime is a document granted by a Notario Publico and recorded in the Public Property Registry, and until the developer has received the regime, the new buyers do not have legal title to the property. In some instances this process can take up to six months. Once the state and local municipalities approve the project, the regime is the legal approval issued by the government. The regime contains the rules and regulations of the development. It also includes the legal documents of the property including location, description and measurements of...

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