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Mexican Property Tax Facts for Expats

As an expat living and investing in Mexico, you will be responsible for taxes if: You own property in Mexico You earn an income from renting your home to others in Mexico You earn an income in Mexico You sell your investment property in Mexico Living and investing between two countries can be complicated, it is best to consult an international tax law attorney in Mexico to guide you through the tax system. Who collects the Taxes in Mexico? SAT Servicio de Administración Tributaria also known as The Hacienda collects all Federal taxes in Mexico. When you acquire property in Mexico you will be...

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A new business entity for corporations in Mexico

Beginning September 15, 2016, a new business entity for corporations will be available in Mexico. According to the Official Federal Gazette, an entity called Sociedad por Acciones Simplificada — (SAS) Simplified Stock Corporation. This new amendment to the corporation law was created in an effort to stimulate small business and encourage entrepreneurship in Mexico. The new system promises to be an effortless and quick way to get started in business, but is it the right corporation entity for you? The Promise of Doing Business Under SAS No longer require a minimum of 2 partners to form a company, a single business owner...

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WEBINAR – Discover how easy and safe it is to buy real estate in Mexico, using the proper methods!

  Charles Tibshirani, MEXLAW Founder, CEO and Thomas Lloyd, TOP MX REAL ESTATE Founder and President, shared a free webinar to help foreigners discover how easy and safe it is to buy Real Estate in Mexico. Click on the link to acces the webinar: http://www.topmexicorealestate.com/events/webinar/may-16.php   ...

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Protect Yourself From Mortgage or Construction Liens During Your Mexican Real Estate Purchase

Imagine having  your dream home in Mexico, you are relaxing on your deck in the warm sun and looking out onto the beautiful Caribbean ocean.  Life is amazing. It took all your savings but it is worth it. You are finally retired and you have arrived at your destiny. But, did you use a real estate attorney during your real estate purchase? If not, you have put yourself at risk of losing your brand new home. It is very important for foreign buyers to use a professional attorney in Mexico when purchasing property. They will do a comprehensive title search before you...

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Setting up a corporation in Mexico

Which Corporation will Best Suit Your Needs? In Mexico, the two major types of companies are called the Sociedad  Anónima and the Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada. They are basically the equivalent of a Corporation and a Limited Liability Company in the United States. There are other company forms such as the Sociedad Civil, which is similar to a professional partnership that your doctor or lawyer might have for his or her office. There is also the Asociación Civil, which can be compared to a non-profit company. In choosing the best type of Mexican Corporation, we need to take into consideration how many...

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